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“Teaching and Learning of Knot Theory in School Mathematics” was published

Published on May 10, 2011


20110510 01

In March 2011 OMUP (Osaka Municipal University Press) published the book "Teaching and Learning of Knot Theory in School Mathematics". The book was co-edited by Professor Akio Kawauchi (Professor of Graduate School of Science and Director of Osaka City University Advanced Mathematical Institute(OCAMI)) and Professor Tomoko Yanagimoto (Osaka Kyoiku University).

Currently knot theory is not incorporated in Japanese school education. The research group of Professor Kawauchi, including junior and senior high school teachers, investigated how knot theory might be taught at elementary and high schools. They investigated by trying out educational methods in actual classes and collected their results in the book.

The book on knot theory in school education is unique in the world and has drawn wide interest from researchers and educators abroad. It is written in English and will be released worldwide.
