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French exchange students from the University of Le Havre meet with OCU Vice President Miyano

Published on Jul 11, 2011


20110711 01 01

On 29 June OCU Vice President Miyano met with 3 students from the French University of Le Havre. The students are here as part of an exchange program between the OCU Faculty of Business and the Faculty of International Affairs of the University of Le Havre.

After the students did a self introduction in Japanese, Vice President Miyano talked to them about Japan, its food and culture, and offered them advice to enjoy their stay here.

With Osaka and Le Havre being Sister Ports, the OCU Faculty of Business and the Faculty of International Affairs of the University of Le Havre signed an exchange agreement in 1990. Since that time, students visit each other's university for one month each year, offering them a precious chance to get international experience. Students from OCU will visit the University of Le Havre in the fall of this year.?
