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Start 2011 JICA training program – solar power generation technology

Published on Jul 21, 2011


As part of the annual program of JICA's (Japan International Cooperation Agency) Osaka International Center, OCU accepted 9 trainees from 8 different countries to participate in a course on solar power generation technology.

The kick-off ceremony of the 2 month program was held on 4 July, when the participants met with the President of OCU and attended their welcome party.

In the first 3 weeks of the training program the group will study subjects such as semi-conductor engineering, electrical engineering, battery technology, macromolecular materials, solar radiation environment and energy efficiency, for 2 hours each morning and 3 hours in the afternoon. On 7 July each participant introduced their country's geography, daily life, education, energy supply, electricity in regions, solar homes and other subjects.

All the participants made a very positive and motivated impression.


Visit to OCU President (JICA participants in the back row, from left to right: Mr. Kakaumoeloa (Tonga), Mr. Inoke (Fiji), Mr. Claude (Brazil), Ms. Shakhnozakhon (Tajikistan),Mr. Youngie (Malawi), Mr. Tashi (Bhutan), Mr. Joseph (Malawi), Mr. Bulathgama (Sri Lanka), JICA staff, and OCU President Nishizawa in center front row.)

Welcome party at OCU Restaurant Wisteria

Country presentation
