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4 OCU joint research projects selected for the JSPS 2012 Bilateral Program

Published on Mar 31, 2012


4 international research projects of Osaka City University (OCU) were selected by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for its 2012 Bilateral Program. The selected projects are as follows:

Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences

-'Beyond truth and falsity: Degrees of confidence' joint research project with France.
OCU-side research leader: Professor Hiroshi Yama

Graduate School of Science

-'Topology and geometry of torus actions and combinatorics of orbit quotients' joint research project with Russia.
OCU-side research leader: Professor Mikiya Masuda

-'Progress in the synthesis of integrabilities arising from gauge-string duality' joint research project with Russia.
OCU-side research leader: Professor Hiroshi Itoyama

Graduate School of Engineering

-'Joint Research on Confocal Micro XRF Analysis of Low Z Elements in Forensic Samples' joint research project with Austria.
OCU-side research leader: Professor Kouichi Tsuji
