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Academic Organization

Research Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (ReCAP)

The Research Center for Artificial Photosynthesis was opened in June 2013 as an industry-university collaboration center with the aim to successfully develop artificial photosynthesis, a technology for which the world has high expectations. The cutting-edge research, carried out by researchers of our university in cooperation with industry, builds on the work of ReCAP’s first director, Professor Kamiya (recipient of the Asahi Award 2012), who clarified the molecular structure of the manganese cluster, a key element in the photosynthesis process.

Artificial photosynthesis is a technology that could greatly contribute to the solution of worldwide energy and environmental problems. Through the use of sunlight, low-carbon fuels like hydrogen and methanol can be generated to replace fossil fuels such as gasoline and thereby decrease carbon dioxide.

It is ReCAP’s ultimate aim to develop a new recycling-based energy for the next generation.